Command Line

The compiler can be invoked from the command line by using panc. This is a script, which works in Unix-like environments, that starts a Java Virtual Machine and invokes the compiler.

The full list of options can be obtained with the --help option or by looking on the relevant man page.

Using java Command

If the Java compiler class is being directly invoked via the java command, then the option -Xmx must be used to change the VM memory available (for any reasonably sized compilation). For example to start java with 1024 MB of memory, the following command and options can be used:

java -Xmx1024M org.quattor.pan.Compiler [options...]

The same can be done for other options. The options are the same as for the panc command, except that the java options parameter is not supported.


The pan compiler release contains a simple maven plug-in that will perform a pan syntax check and build a simple set of files. The plug-in is available from the central maven repository. To use this, you will need to configure maven for that repository. A maven archetype is also provided that can be used to generate a working skeleton that demonstrates the pan maven plugin.


The options of the plug-in have changed from the previous version. They mirror those of the panc script. Details for the options are given below.

To generate a skeleton maven project from the archetype use the following command (use the latest version of the archetype):

$ mvn archetype:generate \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=panc-maven-archetype \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.quattor.pan \


Define value for property 'groupId': : org.example.pan
Define value for property 'artifactId': : mysite
Define value for property 'version':  1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Define value for property 'package':  org.example.pan: :
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: org.example.pan
artifactId: mysite
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: org.example.pan
 Y: :


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 19.690s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Feb 20 08:23:52 CET 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

As can be seen above, the process will ask for general information about the project that you want to create. The process should end with a “BUILD SUCCESS” and create a subdirectory with the maven project. In the example, the subdirectory (and artifactId) are named “mysite”.

Within this subdirectory (“mysite”), you can then invoke the entire build process by doing the following:

$ cd mysite/
$ mvn clean install


[INFO] --- panc-maven-plugin:9.2-SNAPSHOT:pan-check-syntax (check-syntax) @ mysite ---
[INFO] --- panc-maven-plugin:9.2-SNAPSHOT:pan-build (build) @ mysite ---


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.782s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Feb 20 08:27:51 CET 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 3M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Again, this should end with a “BUILD SUCCESS”. It will have generated the machine profile in the target/profiles/ file:

$ cat target/profiles/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nlist format="pan" name="profile">
    <list name="alpha">
    <nlist name="beta">
        <string name="delta">OK</string>
        <boolean name="epsilon">true</boolean>
        <string name="gamma">OK</string>
        <double name="zeta">3.14</double>

The pom.xml file in the skeleton provides a good example on how to run the plug-in. You can also obtain more detailed help via the maven help system:

$ mvn help:describe -Dplugin=panc -Ddetail=true

The following tables show the available parameters for the PanBuild and PanCheckSyntax mojos.

Parameter Description Required
sourceDirectory Location of pan language sources. No. Default value: ‘${basedir}/src/main/pan’
profiles Name of the profiles subdirectory inside of the sourceDirectory. Used to find the object profiles to build. No. Default value: ‘profiles’
verbose Whether to include a summary of the compilation, including number of profiles compiled and overall memory utilization. No. Default value: false
warnings Sets whether warnings are printed and whether they are treated as fatal errors. Allowed values are ‘on’, ‘off’, and ‘fatal’. No. Default value: ‘on’
debugNsInclude Pattern to apply to template namespace to determine whether to activate debugging output. No. Default value: ‘^$’
debugNsExclude Pattern to apply to template namespace to determine whether to exclude debugging output. No. Default value: ‘.+’
initialData A compile-time expression that evaluates to an dict. This dict is used as the root dict for all compiled object templates. A convenient mechanism for injecting build numbers and other metadata into the profiles. No. Default value: null (empty dict)
outputDir The directory that will contain the output of the compilation. Yes.
formats A comma-separated list of output formats to use. The accepted values are: “pan”, “pan.gz”, “xml”, “xml.gz”, “json”, “json.gz”, “txt”, “dep” and “dot”. No. Default value: ‘pan,dep’
maxIteration Set the maximum number of iterations. This is a failsafe to avoid infinite loops. No. Default value: 10000
maxRecursion Maximum number of recursive calls. No. Default value: 50
logging Enable different types of logging. The possible values are: “all”, “none”, “include”, “call”, “task”, and “memory”. Multiple values may be included as a comma-separated list. The value “none” will override any other setting. No.
logFile The name of the file to use for logging information. This value must be defined in order to enable logging. Yes, if logging attribute is used.
nthread The number of threads to use for profile processing. The default value of zero will use the a number equal to the number of CPU cores on the machine. No. Default value: 0.

Table: PanBuild Mojo Parameters

Parameter Description Required
sourceDirectory Location of pan language sources. No. Default value: ‘${basedir}/src/main/pan’
verbose Whether to include a summary of the compilation, including number of profiles compiled and overall memory utilization. No. Default value: false
warnings Sets whether warnings are printed and whether they are treated as fatal errors. Allowed values are ‘on’, ‘off’, and ‘fatal’. No. Default value: ‘on’

Table: PanCheckSyntax Mojo Parameters


Using an ant task to invoke the compiler allows the compiler to be easily integrated with other machine management tasks. To use the pan compiler within an ant build file, the pan compiler tasks must be defined. This can be done with a task definition element like:

<target name="define.panc.task">

  <taskdef resource="org/quattor/ant/panc-ant.xml">
      <pathelement path="${panc.jar}" />


where the property ${panc.jar} points to the jar file panc.jar distributed with the pan compiler release.

There are four tasks defined:

Provides all of the functionality available through the compiler.
Checks only the syntax of the pan source files. This is the recommended way of doing a syntax check.
Processes panc annotations found in the templates and produces XML files with the resulting content.
Displays the pan compiler version.

Running the compiler can be done with tasks like the following:

<target name="compile.cluster.profiles">

  <!-- Define the load path.  By default this is just the cluster area. -->
  <path id="pan.loadpath">
    <dirset dir="${basedir}" includes="**/*" />

  <panc-check-syntax ...options... >
    <fileset dir="${basedir}/profiles" casesensitive="yes" includes="*.pan" />

  <panc ...options... >
    <path refid="pan.loadpath" />
    <fileset dir="${basedir}/profiles" casesensitive="yes" includes="*.pan" />

  <panc-annotations ...options... >
    <fileset dir="${basedir}/profiles" casesensitive="yes" includes="*.pan" />


where ...options... is replaced with valid options (attributes) for the pan compiler ant tasks. The following tables describe all of the attributes supported by the these tasks (task panc-version accepts no option).

Option Description Required
debugNsInclude Pattern to apply to template namespace to determine whether to activate debugging output. No. Default value: ‘^$’
debugNsExclude Pattern to apply to template namespace to determine whether to exclude debugging output. No. Default value: ‘.+’
initialData A compile-time expression that evaluates to an dict. This dict is used as the root dict for all compiled object templates. A convenient mechanism for injecting build numbers and other metadata into the profiles. No. Default value: null (empty dict)
includeRoot Directory to use as the root of the compilation. Yes.
includes Set of directories below the include root to use in the compilation. This is a “glob”. Yes.
outputDir The directory that will contain the output of the compilation. Yes.
formats A comma-separated list of output formats to use. The accepted values are: “pan”, “pan.gz”, “xml”, “xml.gz”, “json”, “json.gz”, “txt”, “dep” and “dot”. No. Default value: ‘pan,dep’
maxIteration Set the maximum number of iterations. This is a failsafe to avoid infinite loops. No. Default value: 10000
maxRecursion Maximum number of recursive calls. No. Default value: 50
logging Enable different types of logging. The possible values are: “all”, “none”, “include”, “call”, “task”, and “memory”. Multiple values may be included as a comma-separated list. The value “none” will override any other setting. No.
logFile The name of the file to use for logging information. This value must be defined in order to enable logging. Yes, if logging attribute is used.
warnings Sets whether warnings are printed and whether they are treated as fatal errors. Allowed values are ‘on’, ‘off’, and ‘fatal’. No. Default value: ‘on’
verbose Whether to include a summary of the compilation, including number of profiles compiled and overall memory utilization. No. Default value: false
checkDependencies Whether or not to check dependencies and only build profiles that have not changed. No. Default value: true
debugTask Emit debugging messages for the ant task itself. If the value is 1, then normal debugging is turned on; if the value is greater than 1 then verbose debugging is turned on. A value of zero turns off the task debugging. No. Default value: 0
ignoreDependencyPattern A pattern which will select dependencies to ignore during the task’s dependency calculation. The pattern will be matched against the namespaced template name. No. Default value: null
batchSize If set to a positive integer, the outdated templates will be processed in batches of batchSize. No. Default value: 0
nthread The number of threads to use for profile processing. The default value of zero will use the a number equal to the number of CPU cores on the machine. No. Default value: 0

Table: Attributes for Ant Task panc

Option Description Required
warnings Sets whether warnings are printed and whether they are treated as fatal errors. Allowed values are ‘on’, ‘off’, and ‘fatal’. No. Default value: ‘on’
verbose Whether to include a summary of the compilation, including number of profiles compiled and overall memory utilization. No. Default value: false

Table: Attributes for Ant Task panc-check-syntax

Option Description Required
baseDir Base directory used to locate the templates if their names is a relative path and to build the relative path used to create output file if the path is absolute. Yes.
outputDir Parent directory used to create output XML files. The output file name is built by appending the template relative path to this directory. Yes.
verbose If true, displays statistics after processing the annotations. No. Default: false.

Table: Attributes for Ant Task panc-annotations

Nested Elements

Some of the configuration options are specified via nested elements. The panc task supports all of these; the panc-check-syntax and panc-annotations task only supports the fileset nested element.


Nested fileset elements specify the list of files to process with the compiler. These are standard ant element and take all of the usual attributes.


A nested path element specifies the list of include directories to use during the compilation. This is a standard ant element and takes all of the usual attributes.

Setting JVM Parameters

If the compiler is invoked via the pan compiler ant task, then the memory option can be added with the ANT_OPTS environmental variable.

export ="-Xmx1024M"


setenv  "-Xmx1024M"

depending on whether you use a c-shell or a bourne shell. Other options can be similarly added to the environmental variable. (The value is a space-separated list.)

Invocation Inside Eclipse

If you use the default VM to run the pan compiler ant task, then you will need to increase the memory when starting eclipse. From the command line you can add the VM arguments like:

eclipse -vmargs -Xmx<memory size>

You may also need to increase the memory in the “permanent” generation for a Sun VM with

eclipse -vmargs -XX:MaxPermSize=<memory size>

This will increase the memory available to eclipse and to all tasks using the default virtual machine. For Max OS X, you will have to edit the application “ini” file. See the eclipse instructions for how to do this.

If you invoke a new Java virtual machine for each build, then you can change the ant arguments via the run parameters. From within the “ant” view, right-click on the appropriate ant build file, and then select “Run As -> Ant Build...”. In the pop-up window, select the JRE tab. In the “VM arguments” panel, add the -Xmx option. The next build will use these options. Other VM options can be changed in the same way.

The options can also be set using the “Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs” panel. Select the JRE you want use, click edit and add the additional parameters in the “DefaultVM arguments” field.

Displaying the compiler version

There are different ways of displaying the pan compiler version, depending on the invocation method.

Invocation Command
Java java -jar /path/to/panc.jar
panc panc –version
panc-annotations panc-annotations –version
Ant task panc-version

Table: How to get panc version