Binary Distributions

Current binary packages (v10.1 and later) are available from the GitHub repository in a variety of formats.

Older releases (previous to 10.1) are available from SourceForge:


The source for the pan compiler is managed through a git repository on GitHub. The software can be checked out with the following command:

git clone git://

This provides a read-only copy of the pan repository. Patches to the compiler can be provided via GitHub pull requests.

The master branch is the main development branch. Although an effort is made to ensure that this code functions correctly, there may be times when it is broken. Released versions can be found through the named branches and tags. Use the git commands:

git branch -r
git tag -l

to see the available branches and tags.


Correctly building the Java-implementation of the pan compiler requires version 1.6.0 or later of a Java Development Kit (JDK). Many linux distributions include the GNU implementation of Java. The GNU implementation cannot build or run the pan compiler correctly. Full versions of Java for linux, Solaris, and Windows can be obtained from Oracle. Maven can be obtained from the Apache Foundation web site.

The build of the compiler is done via Apache Maven that also depends on Java. For Maven to find the correct version of the compiler, the environment variable JAVA_HOME should be defined:

export JAVA_HOME=<path to java area>


setenv JAVA_HOME <path to java area>

depending on the type of shell that you use. After that, the entire build can be accomplished with:

mvn clean package

where the current working directory is the root of the directory checked out from subversion. The default build will compile all of the java sources, run the unit tests, and package the compiler. Tarballs (plain, gzipped, and bzipped) as well as a zip file are created on all platforms. The build will also create an RPM on platforms that support it. The final packages can be found in the target subdirectory.


Current builds of the compiler are done with Maven 3; the build should work for any Maven version 2.2.1 or later.


The proper installation of the pan compiler depends on how it will be used. If it will be used from the command line (either directly or through another program), then the full installation from a binary package should be done. However, if the compiler will be run via ant, then one really only needs to install the panc.jar file.

Full Package Installation

Once you have a binary distribution of the compiler (either building it from source or downloading a pre-built version), installation of the java compiler should be relatively painless. The binary packages include the code, scripts, and documentation of the compiler.

Tarballs/Zip File
Untar/unzip the package in a convenient area and redefine the PATH variable to include the bin subdirectory. You should then have access to panc and the various log file analysis scripts from the command line.
Simply using the command rpm (as root) to install the package will be enough. The scripts and binaries will be installed in the standard locations on the system. The RPM is not relocatable. If you need to install the compiler as a regular user, use one of the machine-independent packages.

Using the compiler requires Java 1.6.0 or later to be installed on the system. If you want to run the compiler from ant, then you must have ant version 1.7.0 or later installed on your system.

Eclipse Integration

To integrate the compiler in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like eclipse, only the file panc.jar is needed, presuming that the compiler will be called via the ant task. Build files that reference the compiler must define the panc task and then may use the task to invoke the compiler. See the documentation for invoking the compiler from ant.